Pay-per-Click Advertising (also called Sponsored Search) should really be called Pay-per-Click Marketing. It is the perfect complement to ongoing Search Engine Optimization of your web pages.
The concept of Pay-per-Click is deceptively simple. Advertisers create text-ads for specific keywords and keyword combinations. These ads display on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) alongside the organic search results when a searcher (i.e. your prospect) types this keyword into their favourite search engine. Pay-per-Click ads can also display on sites with related content.
The position and display of your ad is determined by how much you - the advertiser - are willing to pay per click, and (in Google AdWords' case) by how relevant your ad is to the searcher. Ads that are never clicked on will quickly disappear, no matter how much you are willing to pay.
So why do we call it Pay-per-Click marketing instead of Pay-per-Click advertising? Easy. As any brand marketer knows, it costs money to run ads, and often it's not easy to measure results. In the Pay-per-Click world, you don't pay anything when your ad isn't clicked on. Where else can you get free branding? And with Pay-per-Click marketing, it's easy to measure results - with the proper setup of course.
And this is where SearchingWorks helps you. We provide a full range of Pay-per-Click Marketing Services that make the most of this powerful medium.